

BFA 簡報是寶渥於 2015 年 7 月和多位簡報老師共同發起的台灣首個職場溝通主題社群,於 2017 年成功在上海舉辦大陸首場線下聚會,2019 年我們再次前往上海舉辦特別場簡報小聚,並由三位 Special Speaker 擔綱主題分享,現場超過百位企業經理人共襄盛舉。







隱瞞或拖延真相都會造成更大的災難,用這 4 個步驟,讓對方買單,有效溝通那些難以啟齒的事實

隱瞞或拖延真相都會造成更大的災難,用這 4 個步驟,讓對方買單,有效溝通那些難以啟齒的事實



這 8 條走心的建議,幫你設計出更加優秀的排版

這 8 條走心的建議,幫你設計出更加優秀的排版


Clarence M. Davis _ CLN CEO "Power your English presentation with the use of amazing voice."

Clarence M. Davis _ CLN CEO "Power your English presentation with the use of amazing voice."

On January 23rd, the first BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Clarence, CEO of CLN, presented as the Pro Speaker, who pointed out the importance of pronunciation and intonation in English presentations. Good pronunciation helps convey correct messages, while a pleasing voice helps speakers engage their audience and attract attention.

Sarah _ Founder of Like It Formosa "Traveling is no longer just browsing. Cultural exchange represents the real best scenery."

Sarah _ Founder of Like It Formosa "Traveling is no longer just browsing. Cultural exchange represents the real best scenery."

On January 23rd, the first BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Sarah Chung, the founder of Like It Formosa and the PitchCamp2018 champion, presented as the After Speaker, who shared stories of young locals in Taiwan introducing this beautiful land to foreigners through an in-depth travel experience.

Elvis _ Gogoro Senior Community Manager “Different and diverse individuals embrace same belief, thus same behavior.”

Elvis _ Gogoro Senior Community Manager “Different and diverse individuals embrace same belief, thus same behavior.”

On January 23rd, the first BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Elvis Lin, Gogoro Senior Community Manager, presented as the Before Speaker, who shared Gogoro’s brand philosophy and vision. Gogoro is not merely a company that sells electric scooters, but a pioneer that changes Taiwan’s riding culture, allowing scooter owners to experience “a ride like no other.”