Easy Fixes for Text-on-Image Conflicts

Easy Fixes for Text-on-Image Conflicts

掌握三個設計技巧 圖文排版更和諧

Have you ever had problems placing text on top of photos? The colors either clash on certain letters, or the placement is just off? You may not care so much, but in the pursuit of PowerPoint perfection, minute details sometimes matter. To that end, we will cover how to use transparency, shadows and/or photo selection to solve this issue.


Sometimes, we just want to put some text on top of a nice photo. We may run into some color coordination issues, and have to place text in awkward positions to make it work. Or, we just end up putting it on top of the image hoping viewers will be able to read it anyway. 


The human eye is powerful catching around 36,000 pieces of information and processing them in a single hour. Design distractions, like color clashes or misalignment, may not make or break your presentation, but the eye will passively catch it. In doing so, this would lead to some level of distraction, which ultimately compromises your delivery flow. 

人類的眼睛可以在一小時內捕捉並處理大概 36000 條資訊。顏色衝撞或失調等設計上的干擾或許不會影響你的表現,但因為眼睛被動地接觸到相關資訊,在一定程度上造成分心,最終也會讓資訊傳遞的效果大打折扣。

Easy Fixes for Text-on-Image Conflicts.png

Check out the above slides, which have problems with color coordination. Of course, we could move the text toward the sky, and the text will be more visible. However, do we have to compromise position due to color? What if I want to place the text in the middle of the photo? 


We turn to contrast techniques to combat this dilemma. The first method we will explore is drop shadows that makes text readable with a 3D effect. Then, we will cover transparency, which produces a see-through layer between the image and text. Another method is finding specific photos that act as a canvas. Let’s dive deeper into each approach...  


1. Drop Shadow  設置陰影

This tool works well with bright color fonts, as shadows are usually darker. In this case, the drop shadow has clearly outlined the top of the white text, which was blending in with the snow. The image above shows the options on the right toolbar, which pops up after you select the text object. Here, you can choose multiple options from angles to sizing, optimizing your shadow use. This is a simple fix, which takes some experimenting with angles and other presets. 


2. Transparency  調整透明度

Easy Fixes for Text-on-Image Conflicts.png

Another simple hack, which can help let you use text freely with photos… is adjusting transparency with an added layer object. Most likely using a rectangle will be the best selection. Basically, just put the shape (rectangle) on top of the photo, then go to the formatting options. Find the transparency tool, and adjust the percentage according to what visually works best. Do make sure to right click the shape, and “send backward”, so this way it is layered in between the background photo and text. 


3. Photo Backdrop  背景照片

If you do not want to limit the photo’s pure essence by using transparency, choosing the right photo matters. There is nothing too complicated behind this method, you just have to seek images that contrast your desired font color and size.  Some good image elements to look out for are…


Text-friendly image : these are stock images that have been made to accommodate incoming text inserts. In some sense, they can be considered templates for the exact purpose of including text on background images. 




  • Large empty space  : like text-friendly images, these photos are not purposely made for inserting text, but have open areas that text can efficiently be placed on. Most of these images are usually filtered to abstract or landscape stock photo categories. The popular modes of photos can range from buildings to outer space themes.

  • 大留空型:圖片上有很多位置可以增添文字。大留空型的圖片並不像文本友好型圖片那樣是為了插入文本而設計的,但這類型的圖片還是有很多可以有效處理文本位置的開放區域。常見於比較抽象的類型。風景照便是一個很好的選擇。

  • Black / white colors  黑 / 白

It may take some hunting for the “picture perfect” image, but it goes a long way in avoiding any visual distractions. 


From the above fixes to word/image visual conflicts, the goal is to allow users to place content wherever they desire. All the suggested tools are viable solutions, which are readily available in both PowerPoint and Keynote. These quick fixes can keep away those small distractions, allowing for a smooth presentation flow. Having the power to freely place text on images in primary positions without readability issues, will help boost design. Do not shy away from graphics and text, as slides are meant to be visual. Moreover, have a killer intro (cover) slide with an epic photo background and title. 

以上幾個方法都是協助使用者將內容放在任何自己想放的位置,無論是使用 PowerPoint 還是 Keynote,那些工具都是立即可用的解決方案。這些方法可以避免視覺上的小干擾,讓你的表現更流暢。投影片本是視覺化的產物,所以不要迴避文本與圖形、圖片之間的結合。掌握把文本任意擺放在圖片上並且不會產生可讀性問題的能力,不僅可以提升自己的設計功力,還能獲得一張與眾不同的投影片頁面。

本文作者:BFA 簡報