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BFAevent.en #5 場|簡報小聚英文版

BFAevent.en 簡報小聚英文版是 BFA 簡報旗下專注於國際溝通的職場人社群,致力於為職場人士提供「國際溝通」學習與分享平台,喚醒每個人的職場影響力。
承襲 BFA 簡報小聚交流互動與分享的精神,每次聚會由「主題分享」與「自由交流」兩個環節組成。「主題分享」將由三位講者 (Before, After, Pro Speaker) 依次帶來 12 分鐘的英文簡報溝通故事、經驗或技巧分享。

而在下個月的聚會,Before Speaker 將在與簡報顧問與英文顧問一對一交流後再次登台,成為 After Speaker。我們希望透過簡報小聚英文版定期線下聚會,並融入英文的國際元素,讓每一位參與的夥伴們看到英文溝通能力的提升,開啟更加多元的國際溝通體驗。

BFA 簡報官網:
BFA 簡報粉絲頁:

As a branch of BFA, BFAevent.en aims at building a learning and sharing platform in a global setting for professionals to lead influential communication in the workplace.

Inheriting the spirit of BFA in interacting and sharing, each gathering consists of two parts, “Panel Sharing” and “Idea Exchange.” “Panel Sharing” is a 12-minute English presentation where three speakers (Before, After, Pro Speaker) share their stories and tips on presentation skills.

In the following gathering, the Before Speaker will go on stage again as an After Speaker after a one-on-one consultation with experienced speakers and English consultants. Through these gatherings and English materials in a global setting used in the discussion, participants can see their improvement in English communication skills and embrace diverse experiences in global communication.

Friends and enthusiasts from all fields are welcome. Enjoy the evening by getting involved and exchanging ideas with professionals from all walks.

BFA official website:

BFA fan page:


Show / 包福娛樂執行長、空姐忙什麼製作人

製作網路生活輕喜劇「空姐忙什麼」。2015 年以「一句話惹怒設計師」系列影片,創下 24 小時內,突破百萬點擊的紀錄。2016 年再度以「空姐忙什麼」系列影片,創下 2 個月內,粉絲團人數突破 30 萬人,至今關注人數直逼 70 萬人。並且於 2017 年底舉辦粉絲見面會,現場匯聚臺灣各地粉絲與演員互動。


在創辦包福娛樂之前,巫秀陽曾擔任「全民最大黨」製作人,並帶領團隊贏得 2011 年金鐘獎最佳節目獎。

Show / Dollbaofu Entertainment CEO, Busy Cabin Crew Producer

The man behind the well-loved Internet comedy Busy Cabin Crew. In 2015, his online series "Irritate a designer with one sentence" hit 1 million views within 24 hours. In 2016, Busy Cabin Crew’s Facebook Page attracted over 300 thousand followers within two months. Now, the number of followers is nearly 700 thousand. In 2017, the team held a successful meet-and-greet event, with participation of fans from all over Taiwan.

A comedy buff, who also enjoys producing comedies. His crazy crow's feet reportedly come from laughing hard in the studio, where he produced Celebrity Imitated Show for 7 years. Occupational hazard.

Before founding Dollbaofu Entertainment, Show worked as the producer of Celebrity Imitated Show, and with the team, won the Golden Bell Award for the best program in 2011.


Kyle / 暴雪娛樂品牌副理

Kyle 現為國際知名遊戲廠商 - 暴雪娛樂的品牌副理,負責手機遊戲在東南亞市場的行銷與商務。

進入遊戲產業以前,他曾在媒體代理商 - 媒體庫服務,以數位媒體的專長與整合行銷的溝通為各式各樣產業的品牌服務,並協助公司做潛在客戶的比稿開發。

工作以外,Kyle 也熱愛生活,他在業餘籃球聯盟揮灑汗水,經營粉絲團並熱愛電影,也總是保持開放的探險心態面對所有新的人事物。


Kyle / Blizzard Entertainment Associate Brand Manager

Kyle has been working in Blizzard Entertainment, one of the biggest global gaming companies in the entertainment industry, for 4 years as an Associate Brand Manager in charge of mobile games’ business in Southeast Asia markets.

Before entering the gaming world, he was working in the media agency, MEC, serving clients in different industries and pitching new clients for the company with his expertise of digital media and online to offline media integrations.

He’s also a basketball player in the amateur league, a fanpage owner, a movier, and an adventurer to all kinds of new things.


Mike / HTC VR 亞太區業務總監

現任 HTC VR 亞太區業務總監。接手亞太區相關業務之前,Mike 負責 VIVE X - VR 產業全球加速器的發展規劃與營運。 他曾創立 HTC Preview 使用者體驗計畫,並帶領團隊收集數據進行使用者行為與智慧型手機品質分析。進入 HTC 前曾任職於美商 J.D. Power 亞太區新加坡總部,負責亞太區顧問專案,也曾任物聯網智慧交通服務公司共同創辦人。 


Mike / Director of APAC VR Sales and Operations, HTC

Before leading the VR business development for APAC, Mike was the Head of VIVE X, the global VR accelerator program. Mike also founded the HTC Preview program before he joined VIVE and led the team to build up the process and analyze user behavior data. Prior to working for HTC, Mike served as a consultant for J.D. Power Asia Pacific - Singapore. He was also the co-founder of an intelligent transport system company and is familiar with the startup ecosystems. He received his MS from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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活動時間(Time) ► 2019 / 9 / 26 (四) 19:30 開放進場

活動地點(Venue)► Kafnu 12F,台北市松山區民生東路三段 101 號 12 樓(近捷運中山國中站) 
