Chef _ Elitegroup (ECS) Project Manager “ Always love the world and care for those in need.”

The seventh BFAevent.en was held in Taipei, on January 13th. Chef is the project manager in Elitegroup Computer Systems Co., Ltd. now. He was invited as the before speaker. First, he pointed out why he chose ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as the main target for his business. Then, He introduced the job of business development in a metaphoric way. In the end, he shared many quotes from his idols that supported him when he was depressed. The last message that Chef wanted to convey in this speech was to always love the world and care for those in need.

1 月 13 日,簡報小聚英文版第七場在台北遠見領袖中心舉辦。Chef 被邀請擔任 Before speaker,目前他任職於精英電腦並擔任專案經理。在他的演講中,首先,他說明了為什麼他選擇 ASEAN (東南亞國家聯盟) 作為其業務的主要目標。接著,他以隱喻的方式介紹了商業開發的工作。最後,他分享了他許多偶像的名言,這些信念在他沮喪時,作為支持他的動力。Chef 在演講中傳達的最後一個觀念是,永遠愛世界,並且關心需要幫助的人。

簡報小聚英文版 #7 Before Speaker Chef.jpg

Chef is now working in the office of international cooperation. He is the project manager and business development in charge of ASEAN. He majored in electrical engineering in college and had a master degree in telecommunication management. The reason why he focuses on ASEAN is because there are more opportunities now. In ASEAN, the population is 3.6 billion, which is about 47% of world population. ASEAN takes up 30% of world GDP that is about USD27.53 trillion. Besides, 40% Taiwanese companies are interested in investing in ASEAN recently. 

Chef 現在在國際合作辦公室工作,他負責東盟國家的專案經理和業務發展。他在大學時攻讀電機工程,並擁有電信管理碩士學位。他之所以專注於東盟,是因為那裡現在有很多機會。東盟的人口為 36 億,約佔世界人口的 47%,東盟佔世界 GDP 的 30%,大約是 27.53 萬億美元,除此之外,最近約有 40% 台灣的公司有興趣在東盟投資。

In the following section, Chef explained what is business development. The definition from textbook about business development is about sales, partnerships, hustling, and making opportunities and profits. But for Chef, business development is like brewing a cup of coffee. It starts from picking and buying good beans, roasting the beans, choosing the flavor of the coffee, deciding what kind of temperature you want to have. And you need to find and contact the buyers and then maintain the partnership. Chef quoted from Scott Pollack as the summary, “Business development is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.”

接下來,Chef 解釋了什麼是業務開發,教科書中對於業務開發的定義是關於銷售、合夥、兜售以及創造機會和利潤。但是對於 Chef 來說,業務發展就像沖泡一杯咖啡,一開始要挑選好的咖啡豆,烘焙咖啡豆,選擇咖啡的口味,確定想要的溫度,除此,還需要找到並聯繫買家,然後保持合作關係。 Chef 引用 Scott Pollack 的話作為總結,「業務發展是從客戶,市場和關係為組織創造長期價值的途徑。」

Chef enjoyed his job a lot generally. However, there was sometimes he felt depressed after long and frequent flights. His mentor, YC Chang, the professor of his graduate school told him “Keep failing but keep trying, live with a growth mindset.” The idea is similar to Sir Winston Churchill’s concept: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” Chef shared Conor McGregor’s quote:“I’m cocky in prediction. I'm confident in preparation, but I am always humble in victory or defeat.” These words helped Chef overcome difficulties and always be humble. “It’s all about the thinking.” said Chef.

整體來說,Chef 很喜歡他的工作,但有時候經過長時間且頻繁的商務飛行後,會感到有些沮喪。他的研究所指導教授,也算是他現在的人生導師 YC Chang 告訴他:「不斷失敗,但要不斷努力,以成長的心態生活。」這個想法類似於邱吉爾的概念:「成功包括從一個失敗到另一個失敗,但又不失去熱情。」Chef 分享了 Conor McGregor 的話:「我在預測時驕傲自大,我對準備工作充滿信心,但我總是在勝利或失敗中保持謙遜。」這些話幫助 Chef 克服了困難,始終保持謙虛。「一切都與思想有關。」Chef 娓娓道來。 


At the end of Chef’s speech, he used three letters: “G. E. M.” which represent “growth mindset,” “enthusiasm,” and “modest” separately to conclude his main ideas. “G.E.M.” is also a famous singer in Hong Kong. The abbreviation is easy to remember for the audience. Last, Chef reminded people to love the world and pray for Australia because of the fire.

Chef 在演講的最後,用了三個字母:「G、E、M」分別代表「成長心態」、「熱情」和「謙虛」,來總結他的主要概念。 「G.E.M.」也是一位香港著名歌手的縮寫,這樣能讓聽眾很容易記住他的重點。最後,Chef 提醒人們要愛大自然,並為大火為澳大利亞祈禱。

Chef’s speech consisted of 4 parts: 1) Motivation; 2) Techniques; 3) Action and 4) CTA.

In part 1) Motivation, Chef mentioned the reasons why his main target was ASEAN with numbers and statistics to support. Using numbers or statistics can provide precise information for people to picture the market.

Then, Chef explained what is business development in Part 2) Techniques with the metaphor brewing a cup of coffee. With his clear explanation with the metaphor, the concept of business development became vivid and easy to understand. Using metaphors in your speech could be the most impressive and effective way for people to remember.

Next, Chef suggested us change our thoughts and then would have different moves in part 3) Action. He mentioned it’s all about thinking and used the abbreviation “GEM” to conclude the messages that he wanted to convey.

Last, Chef posted a QR code as part 4) CTA, to invite the audience to pray for Australia because of its bushfire crisis.

Chef 的演講包括四個部分:1) 動機; 2) 技術; 3) 行動和 4) CTA。

在第 1 部分「動機」中,Chef 用數據和統計資料來說明,為何他的主要目標是選在東南亞國家聯盟。使用數據或統計,可以提供精確的訊息讓人們理解市場。

接著,在第 2 部分:「技術」,Chef 用沖泡一杯咖啡的比喻來解釋業務開發。透過他的比喻與清楚的解釋,業務開發的概念變得生動且容易理解。在演講中,使用比喻常常是最令人印象深刻且最有效的方法。

第 3 部分:「行動」,Chef 建議我們改變想法,接著就會採取不同的行動,他認為:「一切都與思想有關。」並使用縮寫「G.E.M.」來總結他要傳遞的概念。

最後,Chef 在第 4 部分:「CTA」,提供了 QR 碼,邀請聽眾為澳洲的森林大火危機祈禱。

