BFA 簡報

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Elvis _ Gogoro Senior Community Manager “Different and diverse individuals embrace same belief, thus same behavior.”

On January 23rd, the first BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Elvis Lin, Gogoro Senior Community Manager, presented as the Before Speaker, who shared Gogoro’s brand philosophy and vision. Gogoro is not merely a company that sells electric scooters, but a pioneer that changes Taiwan’s riding culture, allowing scooter owners to experience “a ride like no other.”

1 月 23 日,首場簡報小聚英文版舉辦於 Kafnu 台北旗艦館,「Gogoro資深車主社群經理 Elvis」受邀擔任 Before Speaker,分享 Gogoro 的品牌核心理念與願景。他強調 Gogoro 不只是一間販售電動機車的公司,更是改變台灣騎乘文化的先驅,讓車主充分享受 “A ride like no other ” 的騎乘體驗。

Elvis opened with Gogoro’s recent success as it received recognition from former U.S. Vice President and the Nobel Peace Prize laureate- Al Gore. Elvis further explained the four features of the brand. First, Gogoro is an “MIT Company,” meaning 95% of parts from R&D to production is taken care of by domestic suppliers in Taiwan. Next, Gogoro makes real changes in addition to selling electric scooters. For instance, Gogoro’s ride is known for its ability to connect to a mobile phone, which was unprecedented before. In just a few years, Gogoro has deployed more than 1,000 power stations in Taiwan. All these show that Gogoro not only leads the change but also makes one.

Elvis 在開場時提到 Gogoro 在近期獲得美國前副總統暨諾貝爾和平獎得主高爾的青睞,隨後說明四項的背景知識讓我們更加了解這個品牌。首先,Gogoro 是一間 “MIT Company ”,從研發設計到生產,有 95% 的零件都是由台灣的供應商生產製造。Elvis 也強調這不是一間販售電動機車的公司,而是創造改變的公司,例如:Gogoro 旗下的電動機車是第一款能夠與手機連結的電動機車。在短短幾年間,Gogoro 已經在台灣佈署了超過 1000 個換電站。這些事蹟完全證明了 Gogoro 是一間引領改變並讓改變成真的公司。

Gogoro expands quickly in just a few years and groups its customers as “a community like no other.” The secret to this success lies within the four elements that Elvis shared.

但 Gogoro 是如何能在短短幾年間拓展的這麼快並營造出 “A community like no other” 的忠實顧客呢?這與 Elvis 向我們說明的 “4 things to know” 息息相關。

Gogoro believes that scooter owners are their best sales team, as 53% of its consumers buy the products through introduction from other owners. This word-of-mouth marketing has been effective as Gogoro offers a diversity of incentives that encourages owners to bring in more potential buyers. In addition, since 2016, events have been held to promote the brand, such as the world’s largest annual flash-mob for electric scooters. What’s more, there are charity events for all kind-hearted owners to get involved. Take Taoyuan Sujen Foundation Children’s Home for example. Scooter owners help deliver the quilts made by the residents across the country to families in need. These activities not only make better use of the Gogoro scooters, but also give the owners a sense of self-fulfillment as they are making real changes.

Gogoro 相信車主就是他們最強的銷售團隊,有 53% 的消費者是透過其他車主介紹而購買。但是如何能夠有這麼強大的口碑行銷呢?Elvis 向我們透露 Gogoro 提供多元且豐富的獎勵機制吸引車主介紹給其他潛在的車主。除了獎勵機制外,也舉辦相當多活動,像是從 2016 年開始,Gogoro 每年皆舉辦全世界最大的電動機車快閃活動。除了快閃活動外,Elvis 向我們提到因為 Gogoro 相信車主們都是 “Nice people”,因此常舉辦一些慈善活動讓車主們參與,像是前往桃園教養院幫忙將院友生產的棉被配送至各地的弱勢家庭。各式各樣的活動不僅能夠將人與車做更緊密的結合,也讓車主感受到 “We are making changes.”。

Elvis concluded with a philosophy he always upholds -- “Different and diverse individuals embrace the same belief, thus the same behavior.” Listening to Elvis’s well-structured speech, all the audience were motivated and wanted to be part of this community of action. As they say, “LetsGogoro!”

最後,Elvis 向我們提到他總是秉持著 “Different and diverse individuals embrace same belief, thus same behavior.”。Elvis 用清晰的邏輯貫穿整個演講,聽眾能清楚地接受他傳遞的資訊,使他們也想一起參與這項 “community of action”,一起 #LetsGogoro。

本文作者:BFA 簡報、CLN 新貴語文顧問

BFA 簡報:


BFA 簡報是一個專注於職場溝通的平台,也是台灣首個簡報溝通主題社群。我們致力於為職場人士提供最好的「溝通」學習與分享平台,喚醒每個人的職場影響力,提升華人整體簡報水平。

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CLN 新貴語文顧問:

新貴語文顧問有限公司 (Clarence Language Network,簡稱 CLN) 創立於 2014 年,致力於引領企業用外語佈局全球、教導學員以外語提升競爭力,讓客戶自在使用外語的同時,亦深刻體會外語豐富其生命的美好。

我們的服務項目包含英文公開課程、企業內部教育訓練、專案口筆譯等,旨在解決客戶面臨所有因語言所衍伸的相關問題。CLN 在提供顧問服務前,幕後團隊會與客戶深度訪談、走訪其所在產業,了解客戶所面臨的瓶頸、提出研究企劃,進而提供客製化的課程、訓練和服務。

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